Innovation diploma students create a diverse range of solutions for end users

  • The Graceboard

    How might we reduce inequalities that persons with disabilities face with regards to communication barriers? The Graceboard was developed to provide people living with Sanfilippo Syndrome, as well as other mobility restricting conditions, more access to communicating and interacting with the people around them.

  • The Garden Cart

    The Garden Cart is a tall, portable, and stable surface to assist in garden work for users who struggle with the physicality. It is built to assist in tasks such as repotting or harvesting plants, and it also serves as a centralized place to easily access gardening tools and equipment. It even has a place for your coffee.

  • Splash of Color

    The Splash of Color team designed and painted murals in the neighboring towns of Pacifica and San Carlos, CA that advocate for the protection of native wildlife. Working with city officials and community stakeholders, they utilized the communicative power of art to inspire the education and action needed to help save the environment.

Innovation Diploma students In The NEWS